
Sunday, 10 January 2016

#113 New Year, New Travel!

Having moved halfway around the world to Japan, I was eager to use this opportunity to travel around Asia.

However, this has been complicated by a few things. (1) Having very little vacation time and strict times when I can use it (2) Flights aren't really that cheap, I was hoping for 50euro Ryanairesque flights but they're closer to 200euro and shoot up on weekends and holidays (3) Lack of travelling buddies. I have travelled within Japan twice and each time it didn't exactly go to plan due to the groups I was looks like solo travel from here on out. This also limits where I am willing to travel - being a solo white woman in some parts of Asia makes you a walking target.

Despite these things, I will be going to Manila, Philippines in February, Beijing in China in May, and hopefully Seoul, South Korea sometime in June/July. Then I want to travel in August - I'm thinking Vietnam and Cambodia.....but I'm not sure yet!